ONTAP MetroCluster FC Installation (MCCIIW)


Corso in lingua inglese.

Chi dovrebbe partecipare

NetApp employees, partner professional service implementation engineers and customers


Questo corso è parte della seguente certificazione:


Obiettivi del Corso

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the major architectural components of a MetroCluster environment
  • Cable nodes, back-end FC switches and FibreBridge devices
  • Set up bridges and back-end FC switches
  • Configure the clusters at both sites in a MetroCluster environment
  • Set up a MetroCluster configuration and serve data to clients
  • Detect and recover from failures in a MetroCluster environment
  • Install and configure Tiebreaker software

Contenuti del Corso

MetroCluster software is a unique high-availability and disaster-recovery solution. In this course, you learn how to cable and set up a MetroCluster environment. Using active, participatory exercises, you practice the configuration and verification steps. You also learn how to identify component failures and practice recovery steps

Prezzo & Delivery methods

Online Training

2 Giorni

  • 1.900,– €
Formazione in Aula

2 Giorni

  • Italia: 1.900,– €
  • NetApp Training Units: 24 NTU
    NTUs may not have the same redemption value if used in a country other than where they were purchased.


Al momento non esistono edizioni in italiano.


Fuso orario: Central European Summer Time (CEST)   ±1 Ora

Online Training Fuso orario: British Summer Time (BST)
Instructor-led Online Training:   Questo è un corso Online
Questo è un corso FLEX, erogato sia in aula che in remoto, contemporaneamente.

Al momento non ci sono date italiane disponibili.



Questo è un corso FLEX, erogato sia in aula che in remoto, contemporaneamente.